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Founded in 2004 or 2005 by Kyle Northrop while still in high school ConversionBox Media has served to formalize what Kyle has been doing his whole life, making content and helping others to do the same.

Who We are

Kyle Northrop

Founder, Lead Producer

Kyle started making videos while still in middle school, learning to edit at church as part of the video team. It wasn't long before Kyle was making videos for friends and family for birthday celebrations, graduations, funerals, and for local small businesses. After attending college and graduating with a degree in Grahpic Design from Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, Kyle took a job in broadcast radio and ConversionBox Media took a hiatus. After leaving broadcasting Kyle became the owner of a local comic shop and revived ConversionBox Media to support the marketing of the store. Follow the stores closure at the start of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic, ConversionBox Media became the one of the first media companies to launch Virtual Comic Conventions. In January 2021 Kyle was named Executive Producer of The Experience and has used ConversionBox to facilitate the growth of that platform. 

Kyle Northrop, Owner, Founder, Producer

Since October 2020 Kyle has worked with Poe Baltimore to produce, at first their virtual festival and their hybrid festival as well as other content for the museum.


Kyles Goal for ConversionBox Media is to continue to grow the portfolio of the company and to help as many other small businesses as possible to grow through use of content creation into new and exciting avenues and revenue streams.

Post Production Station

Client Testimony

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